The Challenges of Off-Grid Solar System Usage


It may be true that most people no longer depend on the electricity supply from the main grid. The reason could the inadequate supply of electricity for use in homes, schools, offices, industries, and other settings. As a result, most persons now resort to solar energy.

Solar is a renewable energy source that can be used to generate clean, sustainable, and cost-effective electricity. While the usage of solar energy is on the increase, there are many challenges facing particularly off-grid solar system usage.

On daily basis, the sun emits more energy than we need to power anything on earth. So to generate electricity from the sun, systems are built to convert the energy from the sun to electrical energy.

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These systems (solar panels) convert the energy from the sun through the photovoltaic (PV) effect to DC power. Then, the DC power can be stored in a battery (off-grid) or converted by a solar inverter in AC power (on-grid). Both DC power and AC power can be used to power appliances in homes, offices, industries, etc.

On the other hand, excess solar power generated can be transmitted through the electricity grid for credits (on-grid). The excess solar power can also be stored in a variety of different battery storage systems (off-grid) for use at a later time.

Although, the different types of solar power systems (on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid) provide clean, sustainable, and cost-effective electricity supply, there are several challenges that each of them faces. In this article, we will only look at the challenges of off-grid solar system usage.

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What is an Off-Grid Solar System?

An off-grid solar power system or a stand-alone power system is a multipart setup that produces electricity for homes, offices, etc. The system is not connected to the electricity grid for credits.

It is constructed to harness the energy from the sun (sunlight) using solar panels. These solar panels are mounted on the roof of buildings, a pole close to the building, or both. As the solar panels harness sunlight, the batteries are charged through a charge controller, and energy is stored inside the batteries. Inverters convert the energy that the batteries store into electricity.

Off-grid solar power systems are designed such that they can generate sufficient electricity all over the year. This means that the construction requires enough battery capacity to save up energy that will meet the requirements of homes and offices even in times when there will be less sunlight like winter seasons.

Unlike on-grid solar systems, the design of off-grid solar systems is very expensive. This is because of the high cost of batteries and off-grid inverters used for the construction of the power system. However, off-grid solar systems are now on the increase as the cost of batteries has dropped.

A public electricity grid does not exist in off-grid solar power systems. Whenever an off-grid system is up and running, the solar panels convert the solar energy to DC power. Appliances use the DC power while the excess is sent to the battery bank. If the battery becomes full, it stops receiving the DC power from the solar system. At nights or cloudy moments when the solar system will not be working, appliances run by drawing the saved power from the batteries.

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On the other hand, a backup generator can be used to power the batteries of off-grid solar systems when they are low on charge. This usually happens when the weather is cloudy and the sunlight is less. The generator should have a high horsepower so that it can power the apartment and charge the batteries too.

How long do off-grid solar batteries last?

Batteries are used in both off-grid and hybrid solar systems. The battery capacity to be used should large enough to save large amounts of energy to power appliances in the home and offices.

Batteries used for off-grid solar systems last between five (5) and fifteen (15) years from the time of installing the solar system. So, this means that you will need to be replacing the batteries once they exceed their lifespan.

How long your battery will last is determined by certain factors. The type of battery that is used to design the solar system will determine if the battery will last long or not. Lithium-ion batteries have a longer lifespan than lead-acid accumulators. Other factors like battery usage, the temperature of the battery, warranty, and maintenance go a very long way to determining the longevity of your off-grid solar battery.

How much does an off-grid solar system cost?

If you wish to go off-grid, you will have to disconnect the electricity supply in your home from the national power grid. By doing this, you will need to install as many solar panels as possible accompanied by a backup generator to charge the batteries during cloudy days.

The location of your building and the amount of power that you use will determine the cost of the off-grid system that you desire.

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Every standard building uses a minimum of 7kW of electricity daily and this needs an off-grid system that has six (6) panels and three (3) batteries. The whole setup costs between $30,000 to $60,000 to install aside from tax credits and deductions. Many homeowners spend approximately $50,000 in total to install an off-grid system.

Individuals who have buildings in a sunny climate with backup systems (generators) installed spend around $20,000 to install an off-grid solar system.

If your building is in a moderately sunny climate with excessive energy needs, the building will require a 10kW off-grid solar system and it costs $70,000 to install.

For individuals that have a building in a lower sunny climate with excessively high energy needs, they will need a 20kW off-grid system. The system will cost between $100,000 to $120,000 to install.

If you wish to operate a business using an off-grid system, you will need a 30kW commercial-sized system. It will cost you between $120,000 and $150,000 in total to install. Ensure to have a backup system installed as well.

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Challenges of Off-Grid Solar System Usage

While the off-grid solar system provides clean and sustainable electricity for use in our homes, there are many challenges to using this type of solar system. We will look at the challenges below.

Economical challenges

Going off-grid simply means disconnecting the electricity supply from the main grid to your home. This means that you will have to use a stand-alone system around the clock.

The cost of installing an off-grid solar system is very high. To run your home off-grid, you will need a system that has many panels and batteries. These panels and batteries cost a lot of money.

Most people using off-grid systems usually have a backup system (generator) installed and it is used to charge the batteries when the climate is not sunny. Installing and maintaining a generator is not cheap as it will cost you handsome amounts every time.

This is actually one of the major reasons why homeowners still stay on the main grid even after installing off-grid systems. However, you will still pay the national electricity tariffs too.

On the other hand, many off-grid systems are designed to collect higher tariffs from commercial and agricultural clients than from households. The high tariffs are collected from these customers so that household tariffs will be more in line with the national electricity tariffs.

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Geographical challenges

Different geographical locations have different climate conditions. Geographical areas that experience more sunlight throughout the year are favorable for the installation of off-grid solar systems. Since there is more sunlight to charge the batteries, it will cost approximately $20,000 to install a stand-alone system in these areas.

However, people living in areas that have moderate and low sunny climates tend to spend more money on installing off-grid systems. The cost of installing off-grid systems in these areas ranges from $100,000 to $150,000. These areas will also require users to have a backup system that will charge the batteries of the off-grid system during cloudy climates. People living in the polar region are affected more by this.

Mistrust for solar technology in certain rural areas 

Many households in rural areas do not trust solar technology. The reason is that many shops and local vendors sell cheap but bad-quality solar panels, home systems, and lanterns that break down within a year after buying and installing them. So, this has made some people in the rural areas not trust the technology.

Environmental challenges

Solar-grade silicon production involves processing semiconductors that contain hazardous chemicals. On certain occasions, these chemicals may not be disposed of properly depending on the manufacturer. The reason could be that some manufacturers do not want to invest in proper disposal or recycling of their byproducts. Hence, they save money in the process.

The hazardous chemicals or byproducts pollute the environment when they are not disposed of properly.

On the other hand, substantial amounts of energy are required upfront for off-grid solar production. The design of a single solar module for an off-grid system involves the processing and cleaning of quartz with other components like aluminum, copper, etc.

Production of the solar modules requires heating the quartz and combining it with various materials at very high heat to produce very efficient panels. In most cases, traditional fuels like gas are burned to generate this heat. The gases emitted during the production pollute the environment.


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